I am so picky about my house! I really like for it to be very clean and organized! However, this is a struggle with 4 kids and 2 dogs. I like all all superheroes in one bin and dress up in another. All toys are seperated into a certain category and put in the appropriate bin. Well right now my house is a total mess. I have piles of laundry that need to be put up and every bedroom needs a good cleaning! This is stressing me out. I would love for there to be a magic wand that could just zap it all spic and span, but unfortunately that just is not the case!
My life has had moments in which it was also a total mess. It could be caused by work, or my faith failing or because of certain relationships. No matter the reason there have been times I just feel my world is in utter chaos. When I look back I see that most of the time I tried to try and handle and fix all these things on my own. That normally made things worse. I was to proud to surrender it all to God and allow him to help me through it. But.... God wants us to call on Him and He wants us to cling to Him. God wants to reach kn us and grab ahold of this mess and help us.
If it is so easy for God to come in and "fix" our mess than why do I still struggle with this? Because you can not just ask God to fix it and not totally trust that He can. You have to have complete faith and trust that He can help you. You have to surrender to Him and this has been hard for me. I am just know learning how to give God all of me and fully trust him. But in doing this I can see that He is taking ahold of these messes and helping me work them out or even turning them into blessings. This definitely does not mean that I am not going to have anymore "messes" it just means that I now have the best teammate I possibly could when going into battle with these "messes".
Please continue to pray as my trip in quickly approaching . However, I have to say the journey to this has already taught me so much !
13 days!!
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