Sunday, October 5, 2014

One of those days... Actually weeks!!

   If you happened to be at the 10 am Summit service , perhaps you heard me walk in. After dropping the boys off, Kyndall and I walked into the service. The lights were off and music was playing. I generally sit up front so I walked up front. I saw some open seats in the second row, so we walked up front and around to get to them. Here was the problem.... Since the lights were off I did not see the bottom of the black stage. So yes I ran into it and fell into the lap of the gentleman In the front row sitting with his wife. Um yeah I was slightly embarrassed, but Kyndall and I just grabbed our seats and giggled a little. However, this fits perfectly to how my week as gone, but only now it is more of a laughing matter!
     This week has definitely seen it's fair share of challenges .... From unexpected bills, to clogged toilets , a health scare, frustration over someone backing out on helping one of my students, to even seeking understanding and clarity on something dealing with one of my kids. Now I am not listing these to get a pity party, I did that on my own which has brought me right to the point of this blog.
   In one day: I woke up sick to my stomach (I think due to my nerves), I found out my car was going to cost $1400 dollars and I really did not have a choice but to fix it then. Then at work I grew more frustrated that  someone who had agreed to pay for two tests for a student backed out, because he decided to help another cause . It ended with an overflowed toilet... And if you know me at all you know bodily functions and me just do not go hand in hand. Water was going everywhere and it was nasty water and I was gagging in the process and I even turned the water off. All I could imagine was it starting to leak downstairs and even start getting under the carpet upstairs. This was all the eve of the day I would find out test results of a lump found on me. So to say I was stressed would be an understatement.
   I am not going to lie, I feel like I have it together most days, but that was not one of those days. I was fighting anger and tears and even questioning God. Saying things like why, I thought I was doing more to serve you and to obey you. It was then that I felt the only thing to do and get through it was to pray. And then God opened my eyes.
  See I was not trusting fully on God to get me through these things. I was not allowing myself the peace I should have knowing that "God's already got all this under control". I know that when I put my trust in God I should not have to question things, because no matter what trials come, they will work out how God intends them to, even if at first it may not seem that way.
     Then I started to see things in a new light. I got to feeling better with a little pepto and ginger ale, I did not have to miss work and even still got my workout in. My car was fixed and my gas mileage has gotten better and what was wrong could have caused a bad wreck and it did not. Myself and my kids were not injured in a wreck due to a malfunction in my car. Also an opportunity also opened for a little extra income to help build my savings back up. Although one guy backed out of paying for 2 tests, someone else volunteered and paid for two. I ended up calling for reinforcement for my toilet and after 2 hours of fighting with a plunger and lots of bleach and Clorox. My toilet is working and the bathroom is spotless and no water leaked downstairs or into the carpet and the text results came from my lump came back Benin. So although I had a crummy week, yet again God provided for me even when I did not fully trust Him.

Always embarrassing myself,
Amber 😀

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